Our Learning Environments

Inspired by Jim Greenman’s (1988) ‘caring places, learning spaces’, we strive to provide wondrous environments for children that are:

  • Rich in experience. Children need to explore, experiment, and learn basic knowledge through direct experience.

  • Rich in play. Play provides a way for children to integrate all their new experiences into their rapidly developing minds, bodies, emotions, and social skills.

  • Rich in teaching. The role of the teacher is critical in a child’s life. Children depend on teachers to be their confidant, colleague, model, instructor, and nurturer of educational experiences.

  • Rich with people. Clearly children need lots of exposure to other people in their early childhood years.

  • Significant to children. Young children need to feel important. Children need to feel that what they do is meaningful to someone besides themselves.

  • Places children can call their own. A basic human need is the need to belong. Children need to feel they belong, too. They need to be close to people they know, have familiar and comfortable objects, and be in a setting that has a personal history for them.

 Our flexible and adaptable outdoor learning spaces combine built and natural environments that invite both planned and spontaneous creative learning through play-based opportunities,
inspiring children and educators alike to…

  • Imagine.

    Vast spaces of lawn, sand, tracks, outdoor seating and undercover areas to collaborate, explore and make anything we can imagine possible

  • Challenge.

    Room and resources to safely discover all the marvellous things our little bodies can do… with patience, practice and a cheer squad!

  • Understand.

    An array of opportunities to interact and build understandings and respect for selves, others and our environment.

Our indoor learning spaces are specifically tailored to meet the ever-changing needs of infants and children in a welcoming, safe, engaging and empowering way that supports their basic needs whilst also facilitating each and every child to…

  • Imagine.

    Comfortable and inviting environments to express and explore our senses, ideas, views and interests, with the space, resources and security in our relationships with teachers and educators to match.

  • Challenge.

    Flexible, adaptable and child-friendly spaces that readily cater to all our needs whilst also ensuring we can play, learn, grow and rest in safe, secure and supportive surroundings.

  • Understand.

    Rooms filled with bright, appealing and age-appropriate materials that naturally elicit curiosity about the world we live in and the people that inhabit it, including ourselves, our families and our communities..